Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fright walk..

  There are those, who go to horror movies/shows because they are not afraid of such things, and those, who are afraid, but even then like getting spooked. I belong to neither of those categories. I stay far far away from spooky stuff.  I am ashamed to admit, but I get startled by the most silliest of things like, if someone walks unexpectedly into a room. Since I am so adept at scaring myself on a daily basis, I don't fall prey to suggestions of horror movies/shows. But last week, under the joined force attack of a warm sunny day and a crowd of noisy people I found myself suggesting to Reni - "Lets try the Fright Walk".

  As a fright walk survivor, I can tell you that a Fright Walk is a dark maze with spooky noises, props and actors waiting to scare you at every turn. Its meant for kids basically. But when this story begins, I am not even imagining what I am getting myself into. My suggestion was immediately approved by the horror loving husband. However, once we went inside the building and the sun and noises faded, my fears surfaced. Unimaginable horrors were running through my head as we stood wondering how it would be. My heart was pounding incessantly, my ears felt hot and I felt faint. Both my hands were firmly clutched on to Reni, who I imagine, was busy checking out the beach scene outside. I longed to smile - which is what I do when I am petrified, but there were folks behind me and I didn't want them to think I was scared. I blinked a couple of times, took a deep breath and tried to focus on what the skeleton heads above me were advising that I do, once we stepped in. Half way through their talk, I gave up listening since I couldn't catch most of what they were saying. Instead, I adjusted my grip on Reni's arm and fought the lightheadness that seemed to come out of no where. Feeling the tight grip on his arm getting tighter, Reni looked at me and I did what I do best - I smiled. He smiled back reassuringly, patted my hand and seconds later we were going through the door.

    Inside, it was pitch black with a strategic lights placed here and there to guide us on. Black walls, black curtains, black ceiling and floor. I kept away from the walls as much as I could and hurried along. Noises floated above whispering things, blood covered bodies jumped out from behind doors and the path kept on twisting and turning endlessly. With Reni hurrying along and me behind pushing him to walk even faster, most of the motion sensor props got activated way after we crossed them. I saw Reni getting startled by his own reflection at one point but so far I really hadn't been scared. After having covered three quarters of the maze we finally began seeing the Exit signs posted. I was elated that the worst was over. It suddenly seemed to be a bit brighter and my heart rate was definitely sliding back to normal. Out of the blue, the last turn came up and as I rounded it expecting the exit door, someone crept alongside me and I jumped out of my own skin. The last mirror was unexpected and the fright walk lay claim to another victim frightened by their own reflection! We reached the exit almost immediately and the world was bright again.

  Once we stepped out, we passed the queue of those waiting to get in. I could see anxious faces looking at me, like I had been looking at others before. I walked away a zen like calmness on my face, as nonchalantly as if it were just a walk in park.

  Following the success of the Fright walk, I have even attempted a horror movie as well. It went better than expected. I screamed only once and jumped in fright only a couple of times. It does not mean that I have changed but my outlook has improved a tiny bit. But I still continue get startled when someone suddenly enters the room.

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