Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A new twist to the old - Cat got your tongue

Something weird seems to happening to me. But first let me set the stage.

Day before yesterday it rained. No, not here in Seattle where it rains frequently, but way across in Miami where we had gone to escape the rains. The rain clouds chased us as we ran from tree to tree trying not to get wet. But the trees in Miami are unforgiving to strangers and we were soaking wet pretty soon.

We took shelter as soon as we found it and waited till the rain stopped. Pretty soon the sun was out and we were walking again. Fast forward one hour and we were semi dry and moving towards our car. Reni as usual lost in his world strode across rapidly with only the destination in mind. While he saw only the car I saw only puddles of water on the road. So he went straight as an arrow while I went polygonal avoiding the puddles.

Pretty soon, needless to say Reni had reached the car while I was still debating whether to jump left or right.
Right looked better and therefore I jumped. I look around and I see that now there is water all around me. There is no other option but to step into the puddle. I look forlornly towards my husband who is reaching for the car door and go "Meeeaaaaoww". And then put my new golden hawai slipper laden foot forward.

Meaow? I understand three to four languages, can make myself be understood in any one of those and yet for the stuck-in-the -middle-of-water-and-I-dont-want-to-get-wet situation out of the million zillion words there are in the world, I come up with "meeaaow" . If I were a cat I would be justified. In fact I might even get top marks in finishing school for cats for the right expression and feeling. But I am not a four legged feline and I am slightly cross with myself however right that word sounded. The average human in this situation would have generously borrowed from the ever expanding free library of bad words like BEEP and BEEP. But I never renewed my subscription to that library.

Some one needs to figure out a less primitive word to describe this situation or do I have to brush up on my language? This is just one instance of the several where I have not used any of the recognized languages to express myself. I find random noises fit better at times than the most eloquent words. Baby lingo is certainly under rated. The ooh's, aaah's and yaaay's definitely pack a powerful punch. Maybe "meaow" should be added to this list too.

Am I the only one who feels this way? The next time you become insanely happy and cant contain it, try saying "Ga Gaa Goo" instead of ecstatic. Let me know if it hit the right chords.


Lessons learned today -
1.  Every moment of your life can be potentially tweaked and exaggerated into a story.
2.  A "Meaow" is better than a <BEEP> anyday.
3. Gaaa gaaa goooo ikuukuuu. :)

PS :- My toes did get wet in the puddle.

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