Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jennifer, Hydru, Brownie and the rest

They may not say black is beautiful. However jet black in color, Jennifer is certainly an eye catcher. She lives in the apartment above us. In the mornings we wake up to the sound of her feet moving around upstairs. And late evenings seem to be her favourite time with ceasless running sounds coming from our roof.

Jennifer is a beautiful, full grown black labrador. She is my favourite neighbour. But then I have always been partial to black labradors. Growing up Hydru was my grandfathers black labrador. There would be other dogs besides Hydru, but he was the "main man". Whether he was a good watch dog or whether he scared off the wolves and thieves I dont have a clue. He was gentle with me was all that I remember. Tied to the front of the house with a long chain he was an essential part of my wonder years.We played all sorts of games with him, which I doubt whether he liked, however he bore all of it.  He would let me do anything, even stuff cigarette butts in his nostrils. One vacation he was ill with a huge growth on his leg and next vacation there was no one chained up in front. I salute you Hydru for being the dog you were.

Coming back to Jennifer, she is an epitome of obedience. When her owner calls her she promptly runs to her. When ordered to sit, stand, and even "Go potty" , Jennifer obeys. I have never heard her bark, for that matter I have not seen a barking dog in this country. They do all the other doggy stuff like wag their tails and sniff the ground but not one barks. The only time I have seen Jennifer excited is when she is let out of the apartment in the evening. I don't know if the excitement is because she is let out or whether its the green grass where she can relieve herself. Maybe its both. Rest of the time she walks daintily behind her owner or in front. She is beautiful, and even allows me to pet her but her calmness and obedience are unnerving. If dogs became silent and curled on your lap, then what would the cats do?

Spirited dogs are the ones back home. At Piravom, we have a stray dog Brownie. A nameless breed and the universal color of most stray dogs a light brown, Brownie is as adorable as Jennifer. She goes beserk whenever I meet her which is usually every alternate weekend. Her way of showing affection is jumping up and placing her dirty paws on me whenever we meet. She doesn't understand commands like stand or sit. And no stray dog needs to be taught to "Go potty". We tried teaching her the hand shake but she would just playfully lick our hands until we gave up. She loves to play rain or shine and she really doesn't mind who is her playmate. Her kids, before they were taken away were adorable. Like heavy water filled balloons they would plod a few steps and fall over. Brownie never seemed to mind that she routinely found her puppies on our door step when she had left them elsewhere. I was forever taking those puppies and playing with them till they fell asleep from exhaustion I guess:)

White, black, brown or gold I adore dogs. The fact that I never owned a dog makes me love dogs more. Routinely after one of our fights my husbands suggests that we go to the park. He knows in the middle of dogs wagging their tails and playing my smile will magically reappear.

PS the law of opposite states that for a dog crazy lady, her man would be strangely impartial to dogs. He likes cats.

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