Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I read from somewhere that at any given point of time we all have 83 issues in our lives. If one issue get solved another one comes up in place so its always up there at 83. Did someone really sit down and list out their issues and find out that they had 83 problems? And once they did that did they then go ahead and research everyone else and get them to list out their issues and figure out that they too had 83?
  If this is the magic number, I am sure I too must have 83 problems in my life right now. Counting down from one to five would send me to the depths of despair. I am sure I would not make it past five without abandoning the entire attempt. Its bad enough that at times when I am watching TV or reading some random thought sets me thinking about my joblessness or the pressure of being married and not having kids. I have a tough time pushing away these thoughts and focussing on the happy things in life. But on days like today, no matter whatever I do, however loud I play the music or how many ever TV shows I watch the mind just gets stubbornly stuck on how much my life is frustrating.

PS this was written yesterday, in the depths of despair. Today I ve bounced back and I am in no mood to add, edit or re write this. If only yesterday I had thought that today will be so free of worries, I wouldnt have minded yesterday so much. :)

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