Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Of rotations and revolutions.

A recently concluded week, where I was eternally looking at a certain unnatural direction due to a neck sprain led me to a few conclusions - 

  • It is not advisable to wash your hair with a stiff neck. A vigorous scalp rubbing using the towel is out of the question. No amount of gentle patting the hair with the towel will get it to dry. I found it out the hard way.
  • Never attempt a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle with a sprained neck. Apart from the agony of the neck, you will also be left with an frustrating, incomplete jigsaw puzzle.
  • Day 1, hour 1 will get you the most sympathy. Lap it up as by day 3 you are most likely to find someone standing behind you imitating your neck alignment and laughing away merrily. 
  • Smile and the battle is lost! Cry and win an ally. I smiled through my pain and therefore received very little empathy.
  • The clock never aligns itself to the direction of your restricted vision. And inadvertently your sister asks your for the time.
  • Sleep is an impossible act mornings or nights. And in the event that your eyes do close and your breathing relaxes, the smallest twitch will have you awake again in pain.
  • In future when in pain, stay away from the person labelled husband. In case of accidental meeting, a fight within five minutes is guaranteed. 
  • Things fall down. But things always fall down. The difficulty lies in actually retrieving the fallen object or letting it lie till the able necked person comes to the rescue.
Day 1 was his birthday, but I was pampered like a princess - a double edged sword situation. All you can do is stare into the outer space ( or the general direction of outer space) while he cooks under your instructions.
And how did all this come about? I am still as clueless now as I was then.

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